I'm so glad you're here. I look forward to connecting with you. Blessings! -E


hey there!
find your way



"but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength." Isaiah 40:31

Get in God's Word and grow in your faith...


Life Coaching for Christian Women from a Biblical Worldview


Her Renewed Strength Co. is hosting a virtual women's conference from November 4th-8th. It's for all women of faith and it's 100% free! We want you there!

I'm Erika, your Jesus-loving, Puerto Rican life coach! I used to struggle with anxiety about my to-do list and felt frustrated that I would never actually reach my goals. NOT ANYMORE. Now that I've overcome those hurdles, I'm committed to helping my sisters in Christ do the same.

I help Christian women identify and accomplish goals while prioritizing your walk with the Lord.

Hey sister friend!

get to know me

Mary r.

Before working with Erika, I felt overwhelmed, unmotivated and just plain lost...I worked on a lot of things with Erika and she has been so patient with me. She has been able to get to the root of many problems...I learned to shift priorities and take steps to make dreams and big goals come true. I have more confidence and passion for life, God, my family, and goals.

God has used Erika in such a special way in my life.

Bas R.

There are so many takeaways that I received! However, the best one was learning how to effectively decrease the time I spend lesson planning for my students. This helped increase my productivity, as well as honor my abilities by not pushing myself to the edge with exhaustion and stress. I got to also discover the usefulness of a weekly planner when it comes to my daily activities. Thank you again for sharing your amazing wisdom!

Erika, thank you so much...

Massiel u.

In working with Erika, I was able to my voice in my personal and professional life. I've been able to speak up way more than I used to. This turned into...
1. forgiving past childhood hurts and the ability to nurture relationships NOW; and
2. showing up for myself in what I LOVE to do.

With an awesome coach, anything is possible!

Melissa B.

I struggled to find a balance between work, family life and caring for myself. I also had trouble respecting my own boundaries and felt drained. 
Erika helped me revisit my priorities and boundaries; and identified how I could honor them. This helped me feel more in control and in alignment.
Erika helped me clarify certain things and get back on track.

I would absolutely recommend working with Erika.

I'm so glad you're here. I look forward to connecting with you. Blessings! -E


Hey there!

find your way
